
Team Hannah Weekly Blog – 12/1/2012 — 10 Comments

  1. So lovely to see Hannah looking happier and with such a beautiful smile, 2 weeks of drinking yuk and no sugar no carbs is worth it if it makes you better. Fingers crossed, hang on in ther, you are doing great, give yourself one of ‘Pete’s’ pat on the back

  2. Hi Hannah and Pete, I see a kinesiologist too. It’s been amazing actually. Seems totally bonkers but really works. Found out I was a little bit salt deficient because of it and really helped me.

  3. Hannah, good luck with the sugar free fortnight. I think you should bop Pete on the nose for his parting comment about your jacket. Much love. Sarah M

  4. Hannah, good luck with the sugar free diet. Think you should bop Pete on the nose for his parting comment about your jacket. Much love. Sarah M

  5. Good to see you both today. Great that you are smiling again Hannah – keep up the good work.
    Big northern hugs !
    Annie+the gang xxxx

  6. Hi Hannah & Pete
    lovely to see you looking/feeling brighter Hannah, your blended drink looked yuck, BUT if it’s helping you to get better keep drinking it. It was so refreshing to see that you had a little hidden (emergency) ration lol .
    Fantastic news about Laura, now can’t wait now to hear the same new’s about you.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  7. Well done Hannah, great to see you in such good spirits, not sure about the green drink but hell go for it – just imagine it’s your favourite drink!! Food not too bad either – very healthy! Much love – Foxy xx

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